A Message from the Author:
Hello teachers!
Below, you will find some free teaching/learning materials to accompany my young adult fiction books Crash Course, Crushed, and Critical. I have grouped the material by theme, and have divided each theme into the following subsections:
1) Understanding 2) Thinking and 3) Creating.
This approach provides a selection of interesting discussion points for you to use and build upon, rather than a chapter-by-chapter guide with lesson plans. I have designed the questions to foster a deeper comprehension of the book and its themes, and to create a launching pad for wider thinking.
In addition, I am currently developing more detailed teaching/learning materials and would love your feedback so that I can do the best job possible for you and your students.
Please contact me at tanis@browning-shelp.com with any suggestions you may have for this endeavor.
Crash Course: Teaching Tools

Crushed: Teaching Tools

Critical: Teaching Tools